مضاد إسهال
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الدواء المضاد للإسهال anti-diarrheal drug هو أي دواء يقدم تفريجاً عرضياً للإسهال
ملاحظة : تحتاج المقالة لإتمام الترجمة ...
أنواع مضادات الإسهال
- صادات حيوية مثل ميترونيدازول.
- محاليل الكهارل الستعملة لتعويض فقد السوائل والأملاح في الحالات الشديدة.
- مواد رافعة للقوام Bulking agents like methylcellulose, guar gum or plant fibre (bran, sterculia, isabgol, etc.) are used for diarrhoea in functional bowel disease and to control ileostomy output.
- مواد ماصة Absorbents absorb toxic substances that cause infective diarrhoea, methylcellulose is an absorbent.
- مواد مضادة للالتهاب الموضعي Anti-inflammatory solutions like Bismuth subsalicylate.
- Opioids' classical use besides pain relief is as an anti-diarrhoeal drug. Opioids have agonist actions on the intestinal opioid receptors, which when activated cause constipation. Drugs such as morphine or codeine can be used to relieve diarrhoea this way. A notable opioid for the purpose of relief of diarrhoea is Loperamide which is only an agonist of the μ opioid receptors in the large intestine and does not have opioid affects in the central nervous system as it doesn't cross the blood–brain barrier in significant amounts. This enables loperamide hydrochloride to be used to the same benefit as other opioid drugs but without the CNS side effects or potential for abuse.