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Many people who found out about the words Frugal living imagine somebody surviving in darkness, eating only canned meals and suffering in order to save a few dollars. That's not really true. Frugal living isn't about suffering in order to save, depriving yourself of items you love for the sake of being frugal. It is about making smart financial decisions and saving cash, so you can live the life span you want to live without having to work two jobs to afford it.

Frugal living means knowing when and just how much you should devote to something you want. By finding out how to live frugally you'll never pay over the top for a thing that isn't worth it... or can be purchased cheaper somewhere else or by using coupons and rebates. It is making a conscious effort to invest in smarter spending, even if that includes planning what you are going to buy, stockpiling food in the event it can be bought cheap and purchasing things you don't need right now only when the price is correct.

Frugal living is also closely related to eco-friendly lifestyles, because senseless consumerism isn't part of the deal. Instead of buying, buying, and getting, the frugal lifestyle encourages repairing, cleaning and treating things properly so they have a long life. In many cases, it also encourages better consumer decisions, because an item's value also takes into account how long it is going to last. Purchasing a cheap t-shirt that will last 5 washes, or perhaps a slightly more expensive one over a sale, that will last several seasons? You can guess which of the two options matches the frugal living lifestyle better.

Austerity - Living frugally takes more effort than taking the easy route and spending without thinking, it also has many benefits. Everything money you save by utilizing coupons can go towards paying down your debts, or your mortgage, years before you are supposed to. It can also help keeping you off debt, and that is extremely important because knowing that you are in control of your money means you will live an even more secure and happier life. Which is also kinder for the environment, so what's never to like?