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  • ...e book | author = David J. Triggle | title = Dictionary of Pharmacological Agents | publisher = Chapman & Hall/CRC | location = Boca Raton | year = 1996 | pa ...rnal | author = Yoshidomi M, Sukamoto T, Morita T, Ito K, Nose T | title = Antiarrhythmic effect of KB-944, a new calcium antagonist. A comparison with verapamil and
    4 كيلوبايت (420 كلمة) - 19:51، 1 يونيو 2013
  • ...inflammatory medicines, medicines used to treat gout and disease modifying agents in rheumatoid disorders== ===Disease modifying agents used in rheumatoid disorders (DMARDs)===
    19 كيلوبايت (1٬655 كلمة) - 22:24، 28 أغسطس 2012
  • ...lus&db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=abstractplus&list_uids=1474169 Classifying antiarrhythmic actions: by facts or speculation. Vaughan Williams EM, J Clin Pharmacol. 1 ...irc.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/81/2/686 Class III antiarrhythmic agents have a lot of potential but a long way to go. Reduced effectiveness and dan
    32 كيلوبايت (912 كلمة) - 17:34، 21 أغسطس 2013