نتائج البحث

اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث
  • * Subclass JS - [[Local government]]. [[Municipal government]]
    19 كيلوبايت (2٬615 كلمة) - 13:30، 30 أغسطس 2012
  • *Government Electronics & Information Technology Association (GEIA) *International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA)
    27 كيلوبايت (3٬021 كلمة) - 08:59، 11 يوليو 2012
  • * sanctions Actions taken by the federal government for failure to plan or implement a State Improvement Plan (SIP), and which * signi.cant municipal facilities Those publicly owned sewage treatment plants that discharge a mi
    82 كيلوبايت (10٬689 كلمة) - 10:36، 22 أكتوبر 2011
  • ...ogy-based ef.uent limitation for an industrial facility discharging into a municipal sewer system. * compliance schedule A negotiated agreement between a pollution source and a government agency that speci.es dates and procedures by which a source will reduce emi
    74 كيلوبايت (10٬631 كلمة) - 10:11، 22 أكتوبر 2011
  • ...reneurial interests in project development, ownership, and/or operation of municipal facilities such as water and wastewater treatment systems. * public utility A private business organization subject to government regulation that provides an essential product or service such as water, ele
    62 كيلوبايت (7٬901 كلمة) - 10:32، 22 أكتوبر 2011