نتائج البحث

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  • * waves through the .ow to determine liquid .ow rate. UltraStrip Air stripper by GeoPure Continental. Ultra-Sweep™ Spiral blad ...aquifer An aquifer containing water that is not under pressure. underdrain Flow collection and backwash water distribution system used to sup­
    13 كيلوبايت (1٬544 كلمة) - 10:40، 22 أكتوبر 2011
  • * Eddy.ow High rate up.ow clari.er by Gravity Flow Systems, Inc. ...t medium calculated by dividing the empty volume in a contactor by the .ow rate.
    39 كيلوبايت (4٬803 كلمات) - 10:15، 22 أكتوبر 2011