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  • * [http://www.acsmedchem.org/ American Chemical Society Division of Medicinal Chemistry] ...ished in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery that gives a historical perspective of the field and insight to future directions
    12 كيلوبايت (277 كلمة) - 13:52، 1 مارس 2014
  • [[Image:Pharmacologyprism.jpg|thumb|right|300px|A variety of topics involved with pharmacology, including [[neuropharmacology]], renal p ...[[pharmacy]], a health services profession, is concerned with application of the principles learned from pharmacology in its clinical settings; whether
    24 كيلوبايت (2٬622 كلمة) - 21:13، 11 سبتمبر 2012
  • * decontamination of plutonium * degradation of energy
    22 كيلوبايت (2٬043 كلمة) - 16:44، 12 يوليو 2011
  • .../news/uk/health/article5710450.ece |title=Urine test could speed treatment of prostate cancer |author=Sam Lister |date=February 11, 2009 |work= |publishe ...journal | author = Siegel R, | title = Cancer statistics, 2011: the impact of eliminating socioeconomic and racial disparities on premature cancer deaths
    145 كيلوبايت (7٬478 كلمة) - 15:48، 24 ديسمبر 2013
  • ...rnous G, Chibani-Chennoufi S, Dillmann ML, Brüssow H|title=Phage as agents of lateral gene transfer|journal=Curr. Opin. Microbiol. |volume=6 |issue=4 |pa ...|first3 = R.A.|year = 1913|title = Studies on the cultivation of the virus of vaccinia|journal = J. Inf Dis.|volume = 13|pages = 294–300|doi = 10.1093/
    146 كيلوبايت (5٬982 كلمة) - 13:13، 7 سبتمبر 2013