نتائج البحث

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بحث في النطاقات:

  • ...hope 2007-07-28 2.jpg|300px|thumb|Water in three states: liquid, solid ([[ice]]), and (invisible) [[water vapor]] in the air. [[Clouds]] are the accumula ...'s surface; the oceans contain 97.2% of the Earth's water. The [[Antarctic ice sheet]], which contains 90% of all fresh water on Earth, is visible at the
    48 كيلوبايت (1٬454 كلمة) - 07:47، 16 أغسطس 2012
  • * chlorine tablets Common term for pellets of solidi.ed chlorine compounds such as calcium hypochlorite used for water ...eding The arti.cial introduction of chemicals such as silver iodide or dry ice into clouds to induce rain.
    74 كيلوبايت (10٬631 كلمة) - 10:11، 22 أكتوبر 2011