
من موسوعة العلوم العربية
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لم تعد النسخة القابلة للطباعة مدعومة وقد تحتوي على أخطاء في العرض. يرجى تحديث علامات متصفحك المرجعية واستخدام وظيفة الطباعة الافتراضية في متصفحك بدلا منها.

In order to create a stronger, far more self-sufficient America, America must 1st be willing to change. To build a new progressive as well as competitive modern society, America's most significant challenge is usually to change its antiquated academic system. In every political management, education has to be first and foremost. Without a strong along with revitalized academic system, America will never development to greatness nor have the ability to alleviate any one our various other ills. comanda dizertatie

A few R's - studying, 'riting, and 'rithmetic - is how our children have been coached since the beginning of your energy. But we have been now within the twenty-first century, and that we have a responsibility to our young children, to America's future, to teach tomorrow's frontrunners and teach future generations the skills they need to enable them to survive in a very world that is certainly becoming increasingly more difficult to survive throughout.

Today's junior are not like yesteryear's innocents. There are no far more shows just like Leave It To Beaver or perhaps Father Understands Best. As an alternative, we have approved the censors lack of discretion where our children (along with adults) are worried by inundating your airwaves along with swear terms never before noticed on television. It is now part of our own children's words, and college teachers can't do anything over it because the media has influenced that liberty of presentation, of any conversation, is the accepted norm, the best of all Americans, no matter what their age is. How could it be bad, several ask? These people hear it every day on TV. If it was bad, it wouldn't be allowed into our living room. This news programs are getting to be more artwork, verbally and visually, instructing our children more in the strategies to adult designs and topics, like never before. And also our ethics have changed for the even worse as our little ones are educated that their sex begins at an earlier get older, and it is an important and fascinating part of their lives.

These days, our kids rite of passage precedes their concept of right or wrong. In addition to that available education, personal computers and the details highway, our kids are more clever, more worldly, and older than children of comparable ages have been decades in the past. Since we can't go back soon enough, although many grown ups wish we might, we need to treat our children because young adults to remain forced to turn out to be.

Consequently, The usa has to drastically reinvent its schools. Instructor tenure should be abolished for the reason that this compensate is irresponsible to the household and the client. If someone is doing an inadequate job after that that staff should be monitored, and, in the event that need be, changed. No contract, like the rest of America's office, should be lifetime. This would make certain quality education. Lucrari de licenta Management

America should do away with the law what has children may quit university at of sixteen. All kids must stay in school till graduation; if not public, next in vo-tech educational institutions learning the trade. The actual excuse that the child must go to work at of sixteen to help assistance their family does irreparable damage to the future of the kid being forced to become his family provider. Remaining in school right up until graduation can break the actual chain of poverty, along with, with it, criminal offense and well being will drastically diminish.