نتائج البحث

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  • ...angendijk-Genevaux PS, Sigrist CJA | journal=Nucleic Acids Res.|year=2007| pmid=18003654 |url=http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/screenpdf/gkm977v1|doi=10.1
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  • ...| volume = 182 | issue = 3 | pages = 507–16 | year = 1989 | month = July | pmid = 2546758 | doi = 10.1111/j.1432-1033.1989.tb14857.x | url = }}</ref> ...v. Protein Chem. | volume = 41 | issue = | pages = 173–315 | year = 1991 | pmid = 2069076 | doi = | url = http://books.google.co.nz/books?id=U1P3a5hjbSAC&p
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  • ...1 |pages=E321–31 |publisher= |location = UNITED STATES| issn = 0002-9513| pmid = 9688635 | bibcode = | oclc =| id = | url = | language = | format = | acce ...volume = 102 | issue = 29 | pages = 10182–7 | year = 2005 | month = July | pmid = 16006527 | pmc = 1177369 | doi = 10.1073/pnas.0501691102 | url = }}
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  • ...ctivity of glycoproteins D, H, L, and B|author=Subramanian RP, Geraghty RJ|pmid=17299053|journal=Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA|volum
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  • ...ر خافض لحمض البول. لكنه يستخدم رسميا لعلاج [[ارتفاع ضغط الدم]].<ref>{{cite pmid|6844125}}</ref> ...dicated a link between the use of ticrynafen and [[hepatitis]].<ref>{{cite pmid|7091125}}</ref>
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  • ...اثية من خلال منع ال[[طفرة|طفرات الوراثية]].<ref name="isbn0-471-33061-2">{{cite book|author=Read, A. P.; Strachan, T.|title=Human molecular genetics 2|publ
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  • ...and Toxicology | volume = 34 | issue = | pages = 281–320 | year = 1994 | pmid = 8042853 | doi = 10.1146/annurev.pa.34.040194.001433 }}</ref> ...volume = 87 | issue = 1–3 | pages = 187–97 | year = 1993 | month = June | pmid = 8343975 | doi = 10.1016/0009-2797(93)90042-W }}</ref>
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  • ...volume = 46 | issue = 10 | pages = 2735–44 | year = 2007 | month = March | pmid = 17300176 | pmc = 2531291 | doi = 10.1021/bi0616697 | url = | issn = }}</r ...t. | volume = 408 | issue = 1 | pages = 5–10 | year = 1997 | month = May | pmid = 9180257 | doi = 10.1016/S0014-5793(97)00374-8| url = | issn = }}</ref>
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  • ...al = Drugs | volume = 31 Suppl 4 | issue = | pages = 40–55 | year = 1986 | pmid = 3525089 | doi = | url = http://content.wkhealth.com/linkback/openurl?issn
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  • ...al=Psychopharmacology (Berl.) |volume=148 |issue=1 |pages=90–8 |year=2000 |pmid=10663422 |doi=10.1007/s002130050029}}</ref>ويقوم [[الكوكايين] ...urnal=Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. |volume=914 |issue= 1|pages=172–86 |year=2000 |pmid=11085319 |doi=10.1111/j.1749-6632.2000.tb05194.x}}</ref>
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  • ...ochem Cell Biol | volume = 88 | issue = 2 | pages = 239–50 | year = 2010 | pmid = 20453927 | doi = 10.1139/o09-161 | }}</ref>
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  • ...تكون المرأة [[إثارة جنسية|مُستثارة جنسيًا]].<ref name="Discovery health">{{cite web | url = http://health.discovery.com/centers/sex/sexpedia/bartholins.htm ...ّة، بل إن احتمالية إصابتها بالأورام الحميدة وفرط التنسُّج أكثر ندرة.<ref>{{cite journal
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  • ...e substantia nigra. ''Journal of Neurochemistry''. 2008 Nov;107(3):745-55. PMID 18761715</ref>
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  • ...The Journal of parasitology |volume=85 |issue=3 |pages=397–403 |year=1999 |pmid=10386428 |jstor=3285768}}</ref> ...smitted infections |journal=Journal of Reproductive Immunology |year=2011 |pmid=22019002 |doi=10.1016/j.jri.2011.09.001 |volume=92 |issue=1-2 |pages=27–3
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  • ...ات]] بصورةٍ عامّة ، و جميع ال[[ثديات]] بصورةٍ خاصّة . <ref name=Nelson00>{{cite book |author=Nelson, D. L.; Cox, M. M. |title=Lehninger Principles of Bioch ...= 207 | issue = Pt 20 | pages = 3441–6 | year = 2004 | month = September | pmid = 15339940 | doi = 10.1242/jeb.01172 }}</ref>
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  • ...ev. Neurol. (Paris) |volume=156 Suppl 4 |issue= |pages=4S79–86 |year=2000 |pmid=11139754 |doi= |url=http://www.masson.fr/masson/79997}}</ref> ...|journal=Cephalalgia |volume=16 |issue=8 |pages=560–1 |date=December 1996 |pmid=8980859 |doi= 10.1046/j.1468-2982.1996.1608560.x|url=http://www3.interscien
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  • ...=10.1128/IAI.00795-07 |url=http://iai.asm.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&amp;pmid=17954727}}</ref>
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  • ...l Pharmacology]] | year = 2003 | volume = 65 | issue = 1 | pages = 59–65 | pmid = 12473379 | doi = 10.1016/S0006-2952(02)01452-1 }}</ref> ...l = BioFactors | year = 2003 | volume = 19 | issue = 1–2 | pages = 79–85 | pmid = 14757980 | doi = 10.1002/biof.5520190110 }}</ref>
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  • | tradename = Chlorophos (and many others)<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://hazmap.nlm.nih.gov/category-details?id=1141&table=copytblage ...="urlNLH - Neurological Conditions - Metrifonate for Alzheimers disease">{{cite web |url=http://www.library.nhs.uk/neurological/ViewResource.aspx?resID=237
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