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المعجم البيئي مشروع قيد العمل يحتاج ترجمة وإضافة بنود

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

  • I&C Instrumentation and control.
  • I&M Inspection and maintenance.
  • I/A Innovative and alternative.
  • I/I See “in.ow/in.ltration (I/I).”
  • I/O Input/output.
  • IAF See “induced air .otation (IAF).”
  • IAP Indoor air pollution.

  • IAQ Indoor air quality.
  • IAS™ Induced air scour system for sand .lters by USFilter/Davco.
  • IATDB Interim air toxics data base.
  • IBT Industrial biotest laboratory.
  • IBWA International Bottled Water Association.
  • IC See “ion chromatography (IC).”
  • ICBN International Commission on the Biological Effects of Noise.
  • ICE (1) Institute of Civil Engineers. (2) Internal combustion engine.
  • ice The solid, crystalline form of water.
  • ice apron A wedge-shaped structure for protecting a pier or intake from .oating ice.
  • ice fog An atmospheric suspension of re.ective ice crystals which affects visibility.
  • ICEAS® Intermittent cycle extended aeration system for wastewater treatment by ABJ product group of Sanitaire Corp.
  • Ice-Away® Ice melter by Air-O-Lator Corp.
  • ICOLD International Commission on Large Dams.
  • ICR See “Information Collection Rule (ICR).”
  • ICRE Ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, and extraction.
  • ICRP International Commission on Radiological Protection.
  • ICS Intermittent control strategies.
  • ID Inside diameter.
  • ID50 See “infectious dose 50 (ID50).”
  • IDA International Desalination Association.
  • IDI® In.lco Degremont, Inc.
  • IDL See “instrument detection limit (IDL).”
  • IDLH See “immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH).”
  • IDP Ingersoll Dresser Pump Co.
  • Idrex Pressure leaf .lter by USFilter/Zimpro.
  • IDS Drumshear Rotating .ne screen by Aer-O-Flo Environmental, Inc.
  • IE See “ion exchange (IX or IE).”
  • IEC International Electrotechnical Commission.
  • IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
  • IESWTR Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule.
  • IFA Immuno.uorescence assay.
  • IGCC Integrated coal gasi.cation combined cycle.
  • IGF Induced gas .otation. See “induced air .otation (IAF).”
  • igneous rock A type of rock formed from cooled magma.
  • ignitability The characteristic of having a .ash point less than 60°C.
  • ignition temperature The lowest temperature at which combustion of a material becomes self-sustaining.
  • IIA Incinerator Institute of America.
  • II-PLP® Double-pass reverse osmosis system with interstage chemical feeds for pH adjustment by USFilter/Rockford.
  • ilmenite A dense mineral often used as .lter media in a granular media .lter.
  • IMAC™ Ion exchange resins by Rohm & Haas, Co.
  • imbibition The absorption or adsorption of water by a solid or colloid that results in swelling.
  • IMF Protector™ Drinking water treatment system by Smith & Loveless, Inc.
  • Imhoff cone Cone-shaped container used to determine the volume of settleable solids in a speci.c volume of water.
  • Imhoff tank A two-story wastewater treatment tank developed by Karl Imhoff in which sedimentation occurs in the upper compartment and anaerobic digestion occurs in the lower compartment. Also called an “Emscher fountain.”
  • immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) The maximum environmental concentration of a substance from which one could escape from a 30 minute exposure without irreversible adverse health effects.
  • immiscible Incapable of being mixed.
  • immunoassay The identi.cation of a substance based on its capacity to act as an antigen.
  • immunode.ciency A lack of one or more immune functions.
  • Impac™ Packing media for air stripping towers by Lantec Products, Inc.
  • Impact™ Ion exchange resins by Sybron Chemicals, Inc.
  • impact fee Fee assessed new connections to a water or sewer system intended to recover a portion of the capital cost of the system.
  • impeller The rotating set of vanes in a turbine, blower, or centrifugal pump designed to cause rotation of a .uid mass.
  • Imperial gallon See “gallon, Imperial.”
  • impermeable strata Layers of clay or dense stone in the earth through which water cannot penetrate in measurable quantities.
  • impervious Not allowing the passage of water at ordinary hydrostatic pressure.
  • impingement (1) The entrapment of .sh and other marine life on the surface of an intake screen when a high water velocity prevents escape. (2) The striking of a surface by a moving .uid.
  • impoundment A pond, lake, or reservoir created through the use of a structural barrier such as a dam, levee, or dike.
  • impressed voltage cathodic protection The use of an impressed current to pre­vent or reduce the rate of corrosion of a metal in an electrolyte by making the metal the cathode for the impressed current.
  • Impulse® Counter-current water softeners by USFilter/Lowell.
  • impulse turbine An energy recovery device used to recover pressure energy from reverse osmosis brine streams.
  • impurity A chemical substance which is unintentionally present with another chemical substance or mixture.
  • IMR Infant mortality rate.
  • IMS See “Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS).”
  • IMS® Filter media support cap for sand .lters by F.B. Leopold Co., Inc.
  • in situ Treatment or disposal methods that do not require movement of contami­nated material.
  • in vitro study A laboratory study conducted in glassware.
  • in vivo study A study conducted in a living organism.
  • in-channel storage The water storage volume in a channel or canal above the minimum water level required for conveyance.

  • incidence of illness The rate of occurrence of new cases of disease in a de.ned population over a speci.ed period of time.
  • incidental recharge Groundwater recharge occurring as a result of human activ­ities such as irrigation which are unrelated to a recharge project.
  • incineration The process of reducing the volume of a solid by burning of organic matter.
  • incinerator A furnace or device for incineration.
  • inclined plate separator A series of parallel inclined plates that can be used to increase the ef.ciency of clari.ers and gravity thickeners.
  • incompatible waste A hazardous waste that may cause corrosion or decay of containment materials or is unsuitable for comingling with another waste under uncontrolled conditions because of the hazardous reactions that may result.
  • incrustant Solids formed as a crust on the inside wall of a pipe.
  • incubate To maintain optimum environmental conditions for growth and repro­duction of viable microbes.
  • Incutrol Biochemical oxidation measuring and temperature control apparatus for BOD incubation by Hach Co.
  • index organism See “indicator organism.”
  • indicator organism Microbes that indicate the absence or presence of a speci.c pollutant.
  • indirect discharger Water treatment plants that discharge pollutants to publicly owned treatment works.
  • indirect reuse The bene.cial use of reclaimed water after releasing it for storage or dilution into natural surface waters or groundwater.
  • indirect source Any facility, building, property, road, or parking facility that attracts motor vehicle traf.c and, indirectly, causes pollution.
  • induced air .otation (IAF) The clari.cation of suspended material using dis­persed air bubbles that attach to hydrophobic surfaces causing materials to collect as a froth on the surface.
  • induced draft cooling tower A cooling tower in which the air .ow through the tower is induced by means of an electrically operated fan.
  • industrial waste Waste generated by manufacturing or industrial practices that is not a hazardous waste regulated under Subtitle C of RCRA.
  • industrial wastewater Liquid wastes resulting from industrial practices or processes.
  • inert Lacking active properties and unable to react with other substances.
  • inertial separator A device that uses centrifugal force to separate waste particles.
  • infectious agent Any organism that is capable of being communicated in body tissues and causing disease or adverse health impacts in humans.
  • infectious dose 50 (ID50) The microbe dose that will infect 50% of a population to which it is applied.
  • infectious waste Equipment, instruments, pathological specimens, or other dis­posable wastes that may be contaminated from persons who are suspected to have a communicable disease or have been diagnosed with a communicable disease.
  • in.ltration (1) Water entering a sewer system through broken or defective sewer pipes, service connections, or manhole walls. (2) Wind-induced air movement into a building through openings in walls, doors, or windows.
  • in.ltration gallery A horizontal underground conduit of screens, perforated pipes, or porous material which collects percolating water, often under a river bed.
  • In.nity™ Continuous later .lter underdrain by Roberts Filter Group.
  • in.ammable Easily set on .re.
  • in.ow Surface and subsurface water or stormwater discharged into a sewer system.
  • in.ow/in.ltration (I/I) The total quantity of water from in.ow and in.ltration without distinguishing the source.
  • in.uent Water or wastewater .owing into a basin or treatment plant.
  • Information Collection Rule (ICR) An EPA rule requiring water utilities serving more than 10,000 customers to conduct monitoring which will aid in the gathering of data for use in developing the D/DPB Rule and ESWTR.
  • infrared furnace A furnace using infrared radiant heat emitted from silicon car­bide resistance heating elements to rapidly heat organic wastes to combustion temperatures.
  • infrared radiation Low energy radiation with wavelengths longer than visible light and shorter than radio waves.
  • infrastructure The fundamental network of facilities, installations, and utility systems serving a community.
  • infuse (1) To pour a liquid into or upon. (2) To steep in water or liquid without boiling so as to extract soluble constituents.
  • inhalable diameter The diameter of a particle considered to be less than 15 micro­meters for humans which are capable of being inhaled and deposited anywhere within the respiratory tract.
  • inhalation LC50 The concentration of a substance expressed as milligrams per liter of air which is lethal for 50% of the test population.
  • inhibitor A chemical that interferes with a chemical reaction.
  • Inipol™ Oil slick dispersant by Elf Atochem North America, Inc.
  • initiator A chemical that can cause the initial step in the carcinogenesis process.
  • injection well A hole drilled below the ground surface into which wastewater or treated ef.uent is discharged.
  • inlet (1) A surface connection to a drain pipe. (2) A structure at the diversion end of a conduit. (3) The upstream end of any structure through which water may .ow. (4) A form of connection between the surface of the ground and a drain or sewer for the admission of surface or storm water. (5) An intake.
  • innovative technology A process or technique which has not been fully proven under the circumstances of its contemplated use and which represents an advancement over the state of the art.
  • inoculum (1) Bacterium placed in compost to start biological action. (2) A medium containing organisms that is introduced into cultures or living organisms.
  • inorganic carbon The carbon present in an inorganic compound such as carbon dioxide or calcium carbonate.
  • inorganic compound Compounds that contain no carbon or contain only carbon bound to elements other than hydrogen.
  • inorganic contaminant (IOC) An inorganic substance regulated by the EPA for compliance with drinking water requirements.
  • inorganic matter Substances of mineral origin that do not contain hydrocarbons and are not subject to decay.
  • insecticide A pesticide compound speci.cally used to kill or prevent the growth of insects.
  • In-Situ Oxygenator™ Mechanical .oating aerator by Praxair, Inc.
  • insoluble A compound that has very low solubility.
  • InSpectra™ UV analyzer by Azur Enviromental.
  • Instant Ocean® Mineral concentrate used to simulate seawater salinity by Aquar­ium Systems.
  • InstoMix In-line and in-channel mixers by Walker Process Equipment.
  • instrument detection limit (IDL) Lowest concentration of a chemical that can be detected by an instrument without correction for the effects of a sample matrix or method-speci.c parameters.
  • instrumentation Use of technology to control, monitor, or analyze physical, chemical, or biological parameters.
  • intake (1) The works or structures at the head of a conduit into which water is diverted. (2) The process or operation by which water is absorbed into the ground and added to the saturation zone. (3) The .ow or rate of .ow into a canal, conduit, pump, stack, tank, or treatment process before treatment.
  • Integra® Bladder pumps by Solinst Canada Ltd.
  • integrated exposure assessment Cumulative summation (over time) of the mag­nitude of exposure to a toxic chemical in all media.
  • Intellisieve Rotary .ne screen .lter by Smith & Loveless, Inc.
  • IntensAer Radial surface aerator formerly offered by Walker Process Equipment.
  • inter-Pre.x meaning between or among.
  • interceptor sewer A sewer that receives .ow from a number of other sewers or outlets for disposal or conveyance to a treatment plant.
  • intercondenser A condenser used between stages to reduce steam consumption in the steam jet vacuum system in an evaporator system.
  • interconnecting piping Piping, usually .eld-installed, that connects equipment skids or unit processes to one another.
  • interface The common boundary between two substances such as water and a solid and water and a gas, or between two liquids such as water and oil.
  • interfacial tension The tension that occurs at the interface between two .uids or a liquid and a solid.
  • intergranular corrosion Corrosion at or near the grain boundaries.
  • Inter-Mix® Slow speed mixer by Air-O-Lator Corp.
  • Internalift® Enclosed screw pump by USFilter/CPC.
  • International Process System Former supplier acquired by USFilter/CPC.
  • International Shredder Sewage shredder by ZMI/Portec Chemical Processing.
  • Interox America Former name of Solvay America.
  • Inter-Sep™ Rotary screen by Dontech, Inc.
  • interstate waters Waters that .ow across or form part of state or international boundaries, or coastal waters.
  • interstice An open space in granular material that is not occupied by solid material.
  • interstitial monitoring The continuous surveillance of the space between the walls of an underground storage tank.
  • interstitial water (1) Water contained in the interstices of rocks. (2) Extracellular water between cells.
  • intra-Pre.x meaning within or inside.
  • Intracid® Water tracing dye by Crompton & Knowles Colors, Inc.
  • inverse solubility The characteristic attributed to a substance that becomes less soluble with increasing temperature.
  • inversion The abnormal atmospheric condition that occurs when the air tempera­ture increases with elevation.
  • invert The lowest point of the internal surface of a drain, sewer, or channel at any cross section.
  • inverted siphon A u-shaped pipe used to convey .ow under a river, road, or other obstruction. Also called a “sag line.”
  • in-vessel composting Composting system with integral material handling and in-vessel mixing and aeration.
  • IOC (1) See “inorganic contaminant (IOC).” (2) Inorganic chemicals.
  • iodinator A mechanical device used to introduce iodine into water for sanitization purposes.
  • iodine A nonmetallic element in the halogen group sometimes used as a disinfectant.
  • iodine number A surrogate value indicating an activated carbon’s ability to adsorb low molecular weight organics.
  • iodometric titration See “Winkler titration.”
  • ion An electrically charged atom, molecule or radical.
  • ion chromatography (IC) A technique for separating and measuring the quanti­ties of different ions present in a sample based on their af.nity for an adsorption medium.
  • ion exchange (IX or IE) A chemical process involving the reversible exchange of ions between a liquid and a solid.
  • Ion Grabber Electrolytic puri.cation unit by Hof.and Environmental Inc.
  • Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) Continuous emissions analyzer used to mea­sure pollutants in gases.
  • Ion Stick® Electrostatic water treater for prevention of scale and fouling by York Energy Conservation.
  • Ionac® Ion exchange resins by Sybron Chemicals, Inc.
  • ionic strength A measure of solution strength based on both the concentrations and valences of the ions present.
  • ionization The process by which an atom or molecule acquires a positive or negative electrical charge through the loss or gain of electrons.
  • ionization chamber A device that measures the intensity of ionizing radiation.
  • ionizing radiation Radiation that can strip electrons from atoms.
  • ionosphere The upper level of the earth’s atmosphere beginning at an altitude of approximately 80 km.
  • Ionpure® High purity water treatment products and services by USFilter/Lowell.
  • Iopor Low pressure ultra.ltration system formerly offered by GL&V/Dorr-Oliver, Inc.
  • IP Inhalable particulates.
  • IPA Isopropyl alcohol.
  • IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
  • IPLP® Double-pass reverse osmosis system by USFilter Corp.
  • IPP Independent power producer.
  • IPS Composting System In-vessel composting system by USFilter/CPC.
  • IQS/3™ Programmable controller used to operate and monitor water treatment systems by Culligan International, Corp.
  • iron A common naturally occurring metallic element found in dissolved form in most water supplies. Chemical formula is Fe.
  • iron bacteria Bacteria capable of metabolizing ferrous iron often from water or steel pipes. See also “crenothrix polyspora.”
  • Iron Humate® An iron source for agricultural soils and turf grasses produced from water treatment plant sludges by Kemiron.
  • Iron Remover Contact bed type iron removal system by Walker Process Equipment.
  • iron salt An iron-based coagulant used in water and wastewater treatment.
  • irradiated food Food subject to brief radioactivity, usually gamma rays, to kill insects, bacteria, and mold, and to permit storage without refrigeration.
  • irradiation Exposure to radiation of wavelengths shorter than those of visible light for medical purposes, to sterilize foodstuffs, or to induce polymerization of monomers or vulcanization of rubber.
  • irreversible effect An effect characterized by the inability of the body to partially or fully repair injury caused by a toxic agent.
  • irrigation The arti.cial application of water to meet the requirements of growing plants or grass that are not met by rainfall alone.
  • irrigation ef.ciency The amount of water stored in the crop root zone compared to the amount of irrigation water applied.
  • irritant A substance that can cause irritation of the skin, eyes, or respiratory system. Effects may be acute from a single high level of exposure or chronic from repeated low-level exposures to such compounds as chlorine, nitrogen dioxide, and nitric acid.
  • ISA Instrument Society of America.
  • ISCO In-situ chemical oxidation.
  • ISEP® Ion exchange systems by Advanced Separation Technologies.
  • ISF™ Induced air .otation unit by Baker Hughes Process Systems.
  • ISO International Organization for Standardization.
  • ISO 9000 Certi.cation conferred to a manufacturer that has demonstrated the capa­bility of running an integrated business from initial design through manufacture.
  • ISO 14000 A series of guidance standards to provide businesses with a structure for managing varied environmental concerns.
  • ISO 14001 Environmental management system standards for manufacturing and service industries.
  • isobar A line on a weather map that joins all points of equal barometric pressure.
  • isobath A line on a map connecting all points of equal depth above the surface of a water-bearing formation or aquifer.
  • isochrone A line on a map connecting all points having the same time of travel for contaminants to move through the saturated zone and reach a well.
  • isohaline A line on a map connecting points having equal amounts of salinity.
  • isohyet A line on a map connecting points that receive equal average amounts of precipitation.
  • isomer A chemical compound that has the same molecular formula but different molecular structure, as another compound.
  • isopleth A line on a map connecting points at which a certain variable has the same value.
  • isotherm A line on a weather map connecting points that have the same temperature.
  • isothiazalon A high molecular weight non-oxidizing biocide used to control mem­brane biofouling.
  • isotopes Atoms with the same atomic number but different atomic weights.
  • isthmus A narrow strip of land bounded by water on both sides and connecting two large land masses.
  • ITT Marlow Former name of ITT A-C Pump.
  • IU Industrial user.
  • IWEM See “CIWEM.”
  • IWPF Industrial wastewater pretreatment facility.
  • IWS USFilter/Industrial Wastewater Systems.
  • IWT® Illinois Water Treatment product line of USFilter/Rockford.
  • IX See “ion exchange (IX or IE).”
  • IXPER® Calcium peroxide by Solvay America

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